Monday, July 26, 2010

36 Things to To Do

Now while this list was created for "all the single ladies" out there, I found it to be a great list for anyone at any point in their life (attached or not). Some of the items to check off may be trivial and geared more towards females, but for the most part the intent is clear: take advantage of what life has to offer. While I am saving pennies to purchase my Coach duffel to travel to the UK in the nearing future, something on the list, I am now planning to get in shape and maybe compete in a marathon. Listed below are my favorites from the Glamour girl's blogging list:

1. Go to a movie alone.
4. Take out the trash, set a mousetrap, do your taxes, build a bookcase.
6. Train for (and finish) a huge physical test like a half-marathon.
9. Fly to a foreign country by yourself. I was nervous on my first solo trip to Europe, even though I almost always have to travel alone.
13. Get drunk during the day, just because you can. Attend Santacon, the convention for Santas, or something similar.
18. Chill with your widowed and single grandma. She knows "alone"!
19. Volunteer.
23. Buy yourself some flowers.
25. Sit at a bar by yourself and drink a martini. Cool.
26. Buy something frivolous and expensive that you LOVE wearing.
28. Throw yourself into something time-consuming, like learning a foreign language.
29. Make a list of all your faults.
31. Get some hobbies.
Also, check out the dating panel that was featured on The Today Show for some laughs.
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